Sunday 6 February 2011

secret: at the whim of the weather

the 2010/2011 season was supposed to be all time... the weather was meant to spoil us with snow and snow and snow.

haven't had a powder day, like a proper one, since the one i blogged about previously.

instead it rains, it freezes, i axe myself walking to work...
funny winter moments include wednesday night, when we went to earls for dinner and it was raining when we walked in, then in the hour or more we were in there, the freezing level dropped and the entire village stroll was a skating rink. i don't think i've ever laughed so hard as i did watching tommy wait at the top of the little bridge and push helpless girls back down the slight slope. it was that icy they could do nothing but shriek helplessly and slide back down the hill...

less funny winter moments include sliding on some black ice at the bottom of the bayshores hill, then having to drag my sorry ass to the bus stop when all i wanted to do was be a little crumpled ball of defeat by the side of the road. that one really hurt, i gots the bruises to prooove it.

when the weather is like this, i must confess, i don't want to be here. rest assured as soon as it snows again i'll be entirely stoked on the whole situation again, but right now, bleah, get me out of here!!!

ironically while i've been typing this, the sun has come out and there's blue sky. i can work with that. today i gave myself the day off everything, even going up the mountain, and woke up without the help of an alarm, made myself pancakes, watched crappy TV... i hardly ever do this during the winter, i wake up every day to an alarm whether it be for work or play. it's sort of the deal with winter, and i think overall it's a better way to live, but sometimes you just need organic sleep.

crappy weather and ice makes me really angry. i think i have anger issues actually. silly to be pissed at the weather though, because there is nothing to be done about it. so i shall work on my zen. and my guitar.

i wrote a song. it has potential. just a litte bit though, because it only has 3 chords.

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