Saturday 24 September 2011

treasure: Friday night= forgetting sarah marshall

fall makes me curl in on myself. in the foetal position.

friday night finds me with a phone full of text message invites to things with close friends whom i love (you'll find outpourings of that love in previous posts; do not doubt the love), options for drinks and movies and even a lovely boy offering to cook for me.

my night tonight, being a friday, has the following components:
1) perogis (three cheese) and broccoli (they balance each other out)
2) a cocktail that i just invented with organic apple juice, club soda and fireball
3) a skype with stu comprising mainly of chatter about how awesome it will be when he visits in january (if you want to know how awesome, the answer is: very awesome)
4) nobody else in the house
5) forgetting sarah marshall on tv.

and i just realized that i may as well be blogging about my sock choices on different days of the week.


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